Baigong, Laobai Tea, Baicha, Fujian Baigong Tea Industry Co., LtdBaigong, Laobai Tea, Baicha, Fujian Baigong Tea Industry Co., Ltd

Baigong, Laobai Tea, Baicha, Fujian Baigong Tea Industry Co., Ltd

2017 Shoumei Dragon Ball

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Product name: 2017 Shoumei Dragon Ball

Type: Tight pressed white tea

Specification: 200g (5g * 40)

Year: 2017 First Class Gongmei

The tender leaves embrace the buds, cut open the bubble bag, and emit a rich floral fragrance and a leisurely jujube fragrance. Soak one at a time, a cup of good tea, and time will give you the answer. The light and luxurious design is portable, convenient for business, and should be of such quality as a New Year gift.